Robert Vidić

Robert Vidić
Born 19.09.1970. in Zagreb. During his school works for many video studios and TV networks. Since 1994. with partner Tomislav Vujnović founded Visions S.F.T. , production house specializing in anything but an ordinary video and film products. Over the years he worked on many projects in various functions, and daily seek and implement new technologies in film and video, and lately in the restoration of old films. Active participant of Balkans memory conference dedicated to the preservation of audiovisual heritage of the Balkan countries.

Vizije S.F.T.
Krajiška ulica 10
10000 Zagreb

tel: +385(0)1 6588742
gsm: +385(0)98 280086

2008.-2012. work on restoration on varies Croatian feature films (Breza,Vuk samotnjak,Mikula mali, Lisinski)...)
2010.            The Show Must Go On /Nevio Marasović /feature film / 80 min
2003.2004.   Sretno dijete / Igor Mirković /dokumentary film  / 97 min
1999.-2003.  Motovun film festival, film festival, coordinator for technical services