Ivan Maloča

Ivan Maloča
Born on 10 October 1962 in Knin, Croatia. On 8th November 1990 he co-founded the company for film production Studio K 36where he worked until 1995 when he founded the production company Interfilm.In 2003 he founded the Croatian Producer’s Association (HRUP). He is a member of the European Film Academy (EFA).He produced some of the most successful Croatian feature films that have been awarded at festivals in Croatia and abroad. He also produced and co-produced more than 30 documentary films and the tv-series “Bitange i princeze” and “Zakon!”.


Nova ves 45/2
10000 Zagreb
Tel: +385 (0)1 4667290
Fax: +385 (0)1 4667022



2008  Behind the Glass, directed by Zrinko Ogresta, 80’
2006  Play Me a Love Song, directed by Goran Kulenović, 106’
2006  The Ghost in The Swamp, directed by Branko Ištvančić
2005  Two Players from the Bench, directed by Dejan Šorak, 120’
2005  Sleep Sweet, My Darling, directed by Neven Hitrec, 110’
2005  Pušća Bistra, directed by Filip Šovagović, 74’
2003  Witnesses, directed by Vinko Brešan, 88’
2003  Here, directed by Zrinko Ogresta, 86’
1999  Marshall Tito’s Spirit, directed by Vinko Brešan, 92’
1999  Red Dust, directed by Zrinko Ogresta, 102’